Morning routine task always great feeling until something goes wrong. Yes, i got this Session expired info sometime, I used to refresh the screen and go away.

Today I notified there si few options Microsoft Added for further troubleshooting. Lets briefly talk about Self diagnostics on intune page in this article.

Intune. link closly connected with various platform. This page will provide more info about connectivity check.

Service Health insights
Confirms the availability of portal services such as Azure Resource Manager, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft Graph.

Verify connectivity to Azure domains
Checks your connection to Azure Resource Manager and other portal dependencies.

Verify the manifest
Ensures the availability of the portal manifest and verifies we are able to connect to Cosmos DB.

Verify read/write functionality to session storage
Checks whether session storage is supported and functioning properly.

Verify read/write functionality to local storage
Checks whether local storage is supported and functioning properly.

Load an iframe
Ensures that iframes are available within the portal.

Create web workers
Ensures that web workers are functional and communicating as designed.

Verify persistence of cookies
Checks that cookies are able to be retrieved from browser and are not stripped on a POST request.

Verify the persistence of request body
Checks that the request body is not stripped on a POST request.

Run the test to validate the session issues.

Hope this useful information for everyone.